Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hits4Pay...A little extra Cash


Don't think reading emails adds up to a paycheck??

Hits4Pay...A little extra Cash

Hits4Pay - Part One

It's called

. The
first thing I noticed after reading the big ole honkin disclaimer was that you
only get paid when you reach $25 in your earnings account. So remember that when
you sign up.

But even though you have to hit a minimum of $25 - you get $10 FREE for just
signing up!'re almost halfway toward your first payment of $25!

You earn .02 for each email you - I know that doesn't sound like I a
lot....but in one week I am already up to $10.75! I've earn .02 for each email
I've read and I earn .01 cent for each email my referrals read.

And honestly.....I spend like 20 seconds looking over these emails and then it
credits my account.

So for....probably not even an one hours worth of my time each month....I could
be on my way to my first $25 payment.

Many might scoff at $25 bit gas for my car is $3.89 a gallon right I'm
looking at almost 7 gallons of gas for my car. So.....go ahead and stick your
nose up in the air....these little programs add up to be a lot for those that
stick with it.

is totally free too!  Sign up is really easy - just
takes seconds. You do have to wait for approval....but that doesn't take long at

Hits4Pay - Part Two

Last week I told you about


How is it going for those of you that signed up?

I know it can seem tedious and slow....especially since you only earn .02 cents
per email that you read....but seriously - it's like 30 seconds to read the
emails...and .02 cents starts to add up...especially on top of the $10 sign up
bonus they have right now and considering you earn .01 cent per email that your
referrals read. If you had 100 referrals reading just two emails each
day...that's $2 a day! Which adds up to about $60 a month!! Now I don't know
about you.....but $60 a month would help put some gas in my minivan tank each
month. (Lets not even get into the cost of gas right now!! I paid $4.03 a gallon
the other day!)

My theory on earning money from home....and I mean decent $400 a to have several programs that you're earning from. I also like
programs that you can share with friends...because not only can they start
earning  - but it helps boost your earnings in the process.

Here is a screenshot on my earnings so far with

. I just signed up 10 days ago!

So - I've made $11.82 for hardly doing anything. I'm reading the emails sent to
me and I'm telling my friends and family about

- so they can sign up and earn too!

Even if I only hit the $25 mark once...that's $25 more than I had!

People have become so blasé about $1 or $5 or even $20!! NOT ME!! There have
been many times in my life where $5 would have made all the difference in the
world. If you're independently wealthy and have no money worries or debt...then
fine....go ahead and laugh at $25 - but as for me....I'll take it. And being
able to earn it from home at my that I can be here for my kids
each and every day - it makes that $25 even sweeter for me.

As I said before...Hits4Pay
is totally free. They pay via PayPal - so that's super convenient (especially if
you have a PayPal debit card!) I have not gotten a single negative remark about

and they have a great track record.

So - if it sounds like a cool $25 ( or much more!) to you....then be sure to
sign up while they are offering the $10 bonus!

I will keep you posted on my earnings.

Once you sign up - be sure to share

with your friends and family. That
way you can earn from them reading emails and they can begin referring others
too! It's win-win for everyone!

Sign up today for free and get your $10 sign up Bonus:

Hits4Pay - Part Three

To make a little extra money as an affiliate, you can even advertise your affliate link by using rent-a-list. For 8 dollars on rent-a-list, you can advertise using 100 emails with 50% guaranteed to view your link! Advertising your link on rent-a-list could almost guarantee a decent little affiliate income!

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